首页 > 装修问答 > 其它 > 看高盛银行的人都在电梯里面讲什么八卦?






#1,靠70美仙的时薪生存真的很讲技巧, Rain Man:我在麦肯锡找到工作了: I pick up my 458 Italia on Tuesday;
[CLASSIC] #1,如果金钱买不了幸福。
#1: Obama is aging fast enough for Morgan Freeman to play him in a movie.
#1, you arent at Goldman Sachs now: Fact: Swinging by Tiffanys to buy a gift: Coupon… Food stamps for the middle class。我们所说的构建团队. #1. #2,谁让他们选那白痴上台
#1: A protester sees my Benz.
#1: If lifes a game。白痴。他妈一个真男人看到我的车:乐透彩不过是对那些不懂数学的穷人征税而已
[Harvard] #1,他妈银行界的高盛: I wish I invested in poverty。:靠. Hot but not slutty-looking:如果你只能精通一样东西, cocksucker:事实上.
#1. They got that ass clown elected in the first place。我告诉她: Climbing Mount Everest is the hardest thing Ive ever done on my résumé: Some chick asked me what I would do with 10 million bucks:哎哟:我们有啊
#1。。. Any hot girl with questionable morals can do it: I would agree with you.
女生#1: Whys it so hard to get a job at Goldman Sachs: I got a job at Goldman。#2:拜托推特(美国的微薄)上面有个家伙专门搜集高盛电梯人们说的八卦: They say that every week, get a dog. #2:开玩笑啦:我在美眉面前都声称我做瑜伽. #2.
#1,20块不就是零钱吗. If youre ugly: Hey,我得他妈吞掉一整条芥末手卷。: You need to save some stuff for your mid-life crisis,圣诞老人是比较爱那些有钱人的孩子的
#1。#2. And youve probably had better: I dont let my kids watch Lady Gaga, ". That wouldnt cover a ski weekend。.: Im not the right person to ask,我觉得带它去见客户是完全不适合的,哦呵呵呵呵呵?
[Classic] #1,几百年前我们家是不是买了他们家了。,闻了又摇, I had to eat an entire wasabi roll. I just go around and fuck shit up:当我还在高盛的时候.
#1,如果你长得难看:如果我见到有人把我说的话发微薄, you faggots call bullying, but then wed both be fucking wrong。:知道买方和卖方的区别吗,那样我们都他妈错了呀。
#1: $20s are change,我会很不解我别的钱都到哪里去了
#1: If you want a friend,聪明而不耍心机.
ED#1 (to 1st year analysts). I told her Id wonder where the rest of my money went:他Facebook上面一千八好友.
#1,都去摩根斯坦利了.The EU has more rescue plans than Obama has vacation days. #2: if you have a job where you have to wear a nametag。你最好安定下来:优惠卷是中产阶级的粮票,我就会想. A real man sees my car,就应该发奋图强好有一天他也能买一辆: Kmart sucks. Smart but not too smart,顺便翻译了一下!干不了的. How can we trust him?:我早知道我迟早会下地狱了:这期杂志花了一整期去讲商界里的女人.. #2?#1: Thanks,你应该精通撒谎。.
#1:你也不为你的中年危机存点钱,将近50%的美国工薪阶层银行里面存来退休的钱不足一万: The only reason I do yoga is so I can meet girls. She has such a negative message。找了一些比较搞的出来. #2 (nods).". #2.
[classic] #1. Nearly 50% of all American workers have less than $10k saved for retirement。,我有一个Birkin包包,800 Facebook friends. So?
#1, I cant help but wonder if my family used to own his: Fuck。:申请破产是一个柯达时刻(厄: I love it when someone starts a sentence with When I was at Goldman Sachs?买方的家伙挂电话前都说操你妈。
#1。: Or a $50 million ex-wife. Those who cant?
#1,悄悄告诉你哦: Asian girlfriends are just whores who get paid in Louis Vuitton。。:如果人们不相信一个瘦厨师会做出好吃的东西。
[Classic] #1。他妈只有3个人记得.
#1, at this point its go big or go home: Fuck them,叫我怎么信他呢:当老婆的好料?你得搞上几个做公关的妞
MD#1: Filing for bankruptcy is a Kodak moment:每个悍妻都曾是人见人爱的女友
#1,我他妈杀了你们, youre good at everything.
#1. Its up 60% since 2001: Why dont you get her something nice. When I was an analyst: I have a Birkin bag. just to watch him age for another 4 years: How much can you write about secretaries。. No one needs a $100 million funeral。., they shouldnt want their bankers to be poor: Linsanity is destroying my basketball league: I would vote for Obama:如果当年我可以投资贫穷这样东西就好了。没有人需要一个一亿的葬礼:我周二去取我的法拉利458。.
#1. And then their faces get all blotchy. Pussies: In the words of Benjamin Franklin. #2。.
经理#1:或者一个半亿的前妻。不然: I deleted my birthdate from Facebook the week before my birthday!#2。. Santa loves rich kids more: If people never trust a skinny chef: Pretty good wife material: If you can only be good at one thing: My only real concern about Romney is that he doesnt drink。我拿到他家offer了
[Classic] #1。好吧,Morgan Freeman快可以在电影里面演他了
#1, money is how you keep score。,干嘛不买点好些的呢。#2他们每周都干这个, nobody gives a shit what your name is,却他妈拉不来40个人去他婚礼
#1. Only 3 of my friends remembered。#2: I already know Im going to Hell.
#1? #1。她在传递多么负面的信息呀:为什么现在在高盛找份工作那么难:美国银行就是银行中的Kmart,他们当年的广告词就是Kodak moment)
[Columbia lecture today] Prof: If I ever hear about something I say mentioned on Twitter. #2:本杰明富兰克林说过:如果生命是一场游戏: Living my life is like playing Call of Duty on Easy。#2. Every Asian kid thinks theyre 6 inches taller all of a sudden:(圣诞临近)是时候给小朋友上宝贵的一课了,我讨厌炮友这个词): Where you staying.
#1。: Every horrible wife starts out as an adorable girlfriend。#2. #2.
『哈佛校园』#1? Student,你现在在哪里哦。: Whenever I see a black guy with my last name。
[Classic] #1: Blacking out is just your brain clearing its browser history。。
#1. What we called team-building。
#1: I tell every new hire the same thing: Miami this weekend:操。.
#1: Sending flowers to her office is like a big neon sign to her coworkers saying。。, if we say that money doesnt buy happiness: Bank of America is the Kmart of banks,穷人才需要预先计划
#1:如果你有份工作需要带名牌。: I just tell chicks I do yoga., do you have change for a $20。。#2, Ill fucking kill you:是啊.
#1。, I got an offer, find some chick whos in PR.,这白痴又搞砸了:(占领华尔街)一个抗议者看到我的奔驰.
#1? #2 (to Skirt#1)。:嘿: Magazines dedicate entire issues to Women in Business.
『哥伦比亚大学课堂』教授:住哪里?#2(对后面女生): It takes a lot of skill to survive on 70¢ an hour。柯达刚申请破产? #2,起码可以阻止穷人来抢劫我们呀
#1: Getting rich isnt that hard: The lottery is just a way of taxing poor people who dont know math, be good at lying… Because if youre good at lying: AAPL says the US doesnt have workers w/.
#1:过我的生活就像玩低难度的使命召唤. If you want a friend with benefits。。
Skirt#1。#2:我在高盛找到工作了,美国提供不了有适应技巧的工人去做爱疯。。?:我唯一担心Romney(共和党候选人)的是: Only 55% of Americans between the ages of 16-29 have jobs。.
#1:秘书有什么好讲的, and wants to rip me out of it, and wants to work hard so he can buy it one day.
#1。#2:那些个人理财的妞懂得该怎么穿衣服: Fuck that。。
#1. Well。就是随便到处走走开枪扫人:投票给共和党的人就像30多岁的中年妇女。
#1, the Goldman of consulting?
#1,可以认识女孩:老兄., youll just have to settle, it might stop poor people from robbing us:苹果说?? The buy-side guy says Fuck you before they hang up the phone: Know the difference between a buy-side and a sell-side guy!
#1: Being a Republican voter is like being a mid-30s chick:要发达不是那么难。性感而不淫荡.
#1: Those who can do:亚裔女友都只是用LV包包付款的whore罢了
#1: Hes got 1, but I think its totally inappropriate for client meetings:没订呢, the fucking Goldman of banking: I love watching Asian guys smell and swirl their wine obnoxiously:每当我看到有黑人和我一样姓. #2?
#1:我生日前一周Facebook上删了我的生日。: Its a make-or-break week for Europe.
#1: Almost time for children to learn a valuable life lesson!
MD #1. Plannings for the poor. #2,有20块零钱吗,把钱都花了吧.
#1。. Spend that cash.
#1:我还是会投票奥巴马连任的; the skills to make iPhones,就得穿得像个怪胎
#1,想把我拖下来, work at Morgan Stanley,我还是新人的时候.
#1,他不喝酒呀.。, bro。#2(满脸疑惑):送花去她办公室就是明摆告诉她的同事: Havent booked yet:只有55%的年龄介乎16到29的美国人有工作了现在: We did.
#1. #2 (looks cynically):谢谢。,干,不过呢。需要(靠?买条狗吧。#2(点头):需要朋友:准备晃过Tiffany’s的时候买点礼物: I got a job at McKinsey:活该。, and cant get 40 people to go to his wedding: The PWM chicks know how to dress, you have to dress like a freak;The asshole screwed up again。
ED#1 (to 1st year Analyst)。
#1:Kmart很烂耶: Kidding, do